As a woman-owned, woman-led firm, we are deeply concerned about the Supreme Court’s recent overturning of Roe v Wade. While most conversations and debates are highly binary, focused on staunch positions of pro-choice or pro-life, we see an opportunity to serve all voices and views.
We believe that most human beings do not come to either position lightly. Abortion is unique in that it is both extremely personal and political. There are often deeply rooted beliefs, values and life circumstances that drive our decisions and positions. We aim to honor and respect all of them.
As one of the few firms in the diversity, equity, and inclusion space who actively promotes religious inclusion in the workplace, we are uniquely positioned to understand the many facets and perspectives of this important issue. At the same time, we recognize that the Supreme Court’s decision last week will have immense downstream implications for human rights issues that go beyond abortion. We take pride in proactively supporting our clients in the DEI journey, and believe it is our duty to comprehensively evaluate the ripple effects of the Supreme Court’s ruling.
In the spirit of respectful service, we would like to create space for broader discussion and solution creation that goes beyond the immediate reaction. As individuals and organizations chart next steps in this post Roe v Wade environment, we offer the following points to consider.
While our list could continue, and many of the points outlined here may not necessarily be new, through our decades of experience in the diversity, equity and inclusion space, we know that our work does not stop with simply identifying the issues.
From our vantage, here is what we know to be factual issues that should be considered as organizations respond to this pivotal moment in history.
This country, and the world, used this expression of encouragement throughout the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. Will we say it, believe it, and act on it, now?
The test is great, but the reward is greater. Our resolve to move forward with what we hold in common will always be our greatest ally, our greatest use of power. The Power of We.
Regardless of your stance, we want you to know that we care, and we hear you. We applaud those organizations who are creating space for respectful dialogue and evaluating practices and policies to support employees, especially women during this critical time.