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By 183:896864358 January 16, 2025
The pay increase and perks of a job promotion carry a price. If you don’t want to pay it, you may need to rethink your career aspirations. As I look back at the teams I’ve led and leaders I’ve coached, I discovered a gap with how people navigate career advancement. When someone gets a promotion, they usually want it for the prestige of the title, the increase in pay, and/or the recognition for their hard work. The focus is often on what the promotion will do for them. How their lifestyle will improve with the extra money. How they will potentially receive elevated treatment from others in the organization. When I coach aspiring leaders, they seem to look at only one side of the promotion coin – the shiny one. The other side of the leadership promotion coin is rather dull. This side is sometimes ignored or dismissed until it’s too late. What, you ask, is on the less shiny side of the leadership coin? The invisible bullet points on the job description. Top 10 Invisible Bullet Points on any Leadership Job Description You will need to learn new ways of doing. You will need to manage relationships differently. You will need to coach and develop others. You will need to have hard conversations. You will need to make tough decisions. You will need to live your values as you lead. You will need to model the organization’s values. You will need to be okay with not being liked sometimes. You will need to increase your capacity. You will need to strengthen your resiliency. If you choose to advance in leadership, your first step is to look in the mirror. Be ready to refine and evolve how you show-up, how you think, communicate, and engage. A promotion, in many ways, should be a reset for you.
By 183:896864358 November 18, 2024
In recent years, especially post-COVID, the word transformation has become a buzzword across various industries. Personal trainers use this word to describe the physical metamorphosis they’ll help you achieve, and organizations use it to outline how they'll leverage technology, particularly in the age of AI. Beyond physical and technological change, transformation takes on new significance in the realm of leadership—specifically, transformational leadership. We often see the term in leadership contexts, but what does it truly mean? The concept of transformational leadership has been around for quite some time, originally coined by sociologist James V. Downton in 1973. Over the years, the defining qualities of a transformational leader have evolved to become, at their core, leaders who focus on the essential needs of their followers. Today, it’s more relevant than ever. My own journey toward becoming a transformational leader was unplanned, and something I only fully recognized in hindsight. It evolved in ways I never anticipated. Around 2003, I was working for a global company as the director of corporate communications. That year, we conducted our first large-scale employee engagement survey. As we analyzed the results, some findings were predictable. Typical areas like pay and benefits ranked in the bottom quartile, representing the lowest-rated aspects of employee satisfaction. However, there was one surprising item in the Bottom 5 for employee satisfaction: a question about whether employees felt good about the company’s contributions to the community. This result was unsettling to our executive team because, truthfully, it uncovered something we had not anticipated. At the time, giving back to the community on a company level was not a priority. Somehow, I was tasked with finding a solution, and at first, I didn’t know where to start.
September 2, 2024
With the recent surge in attacks against companies with prominent DEI initiatives and the SCOTUS decision to overturn affirmative action in university admissions, many companies and their leaders are grappling with a significant dilemma: Do we fold or do we hold the DEI line?
December 13, 2023
A recent report indicates that 84% of employees expect employers to provide the training and development they need to stay relevant. Unfortunately, only 32% of employees are satisfied with the leadership development programs their employers provide. Learn how you can grow and diversify your leadership bench to help retain talent and meet business needs.
By 183:896864358 November 5, 2023
International ERG Day Celebrated in November
October 1, 2023
DEI training is imperative for organizations that want to create and sustain inclusive environments. Our philosophy at KEIRUS BY KJE is to incorporate training with a pro-business approach to drive commerce, culture, and community. To foster inclusion with a return on investment, organizations must not settle for a one-and-done approach that checks the box or makes the finish line the primary focus. Impactful DEI training is taught in phases, over time, to yield sustained transformation. We use a multi-phase approach to DEI training using our KEIRUS platform and throughout our instructor-led sessions because we realize the importance of intentional engagement during the learning curve. The check-the-box approach does not support this process or enhance retention, leading to systemic gaps in creating belonging and equitable workspaces.
September 5, 2023
We believe that the benefits of DEIB put you in the driver’s seat as to where you want to take your business. DEIB drives commerce, culture, and community and those who do not embrace this concept will be limited in how far they can go without the right interventions.
August 1, 2023
Key stakeholder alignment is deliberate, proactive, time-sensitive, and specific. You must look ahead with anticipation of being two steps ahead of the needs and opportunities your organization encounters. Preparation to include everyone who needs to contribute to gain perspective on projects that influence your diversity of thought is imperative to maintain momentum. Comprehensive stakeholder engagement is often the missing ingredient in the recipe for realizing the full benefits of DEIB. It is important to remember that you cannot connect with someone you are not comfortable communicating with daily. This communication reinforces the importance of diversity, inclusion, and C.A.R.E., our proprietary methodology and framework for learning and workplace culture transformation.
July 3, 2023
When talks of budget cuts brew in the atmosphere, kindness is usually the first to be axed as well. When money becomes a concern, the way people are treated, and the importance of culture can often take a back seat. Unfortunately, the focus changes from the importance of healthy workplace environments to prioritizing other areas that appear to be more profitable.
June 23, 2023
There are many ways that not practicing inclusive leadership can hinder the success of your company. We’ve shared the increase of innovation that happens within inclusive environments. Companies with above-average diversity produced a greater proportion of revenue from innovation (45%) than from companies with below average diversity (26%).
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